Thursday, January 8, 2015

Delayed Auditory Feedback-- Water pipes

I've been meaning to buy these water pipes since I first saw them in the little hardware store. They are two water pipes put together that are the perfect length so that you can talk into them and hear it in your ear pretty well. I know Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) is commonly used with people who stutter, so they hear themselves about a millisecond after they've said it and it somehow tricks the brain into stuttering less. I don't have any fluency students so I'm just using it with artic kids. I know that a lot of kids will get into a habit where they don't even hear themselves saying phonemes incorrectly, so I'm going to see if this will help. At any rate, the kids love it and it's a fun motivator!

The board game pictured is just a minion game I made up over winter break. The board is like most board games, you roll the dice, move that many spaces and so on. The part I added to mix it up is the second huge dice. The big dice has 6 different minions and each have a one-part direction on it. For example one says " Do 7 jumping jacks." They get to roll the big dice after practicing their artic words. 

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