Monday, October 29, 2012

File Folder Story Game

I haven't been taking pictures of all the activities I've been using in therapy lately, so here are a few new ones! My supervisor for my client this semester suggested making a File Folder game for my client. It is essentially a file folder with a candyland-like spread. Candyland is too young for my client, so I made it more age appropriate and added in elements of the story we read that day. The story we read was "Where the Wild Things Are." I added in a few other elements of past stories, to help him remember what we'd read before, therefore not all the elements are conducive to "Where the While Things Are." Here is the front cover: 
I obviously didn't use a file folder, just two pieces of construction paper. Here is the middle part, and main part of the game:
Because of obvious privacy issues, I covered up his name, it is at the far middle left, by putting the client's name in, it helps him/her realize that he/she is part of the game, an important part! The back side of the game:
You can use whatever game pieces you want to use, as you can see in the two piece spread, I just used some smiley super duper tokens. To make the game last longer, I used some pieces of paper with numbers on them instead of a dice:

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